The first two numbers of the SIC code represent a broad industry category which is known as the Major Industry Group.
For example the Manufacturing SIC codes are 20-39, the Retail SIC codes are 52-59.
Selecting by a Major Industry Group is useful when trying to find a broad, more loosely-defined base of prospects.
Within the Major Industry Group classification you have the ability to drill down to more specific lines of business by selecting a 2, 4, or 6-digit SIC Code.
This selection allows you to search by the first two numbers of an SIC code without keywords, starting with a Major Industry Group and drilling down to sub-classification of a Major Industry Group (4 digits) and then down to a specific industry selection (6 digits).
The Major Industry Group are presented in a hierarchal order by the first two digits of that industrial classification code. Click on the “+” to see 4-digit sub-classification options, which can have their own “+” to see 6-digit specific industry types.
NOTE: Not all sub-classification (4-digit) and specific industry types (6-digit) might be listed.
Selecting either a Major Industry Group or a sub-classification will include all the specific industry types underneath it, sharing the same Major Industry Group (first two digits) or sub-classification (first 4 digits)
There are 11 Major Industry Groups (and the first two digits of their industrial classification code):
- Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (first two digits 01-49)
- Mining (first two digits 10-14)
- Construction (first two digits 15-17)
- Manufacturing (first two digits 20-39)
- Transportation (first two digits 40-49)
- Wholesale (first two digits 50-51)
- Retail Trade (first two digits 52-59)
- Finance, Insurance & Real Estate (first two digits 60-67)
- Services (first two digits 70-89)
- Public Administration (first two digits 91-98)
- Nonclassified Establishments (first two digits 99)