Politics and money meet in this group of criteria:
Last Party Contributed: Political contributions are public record. This criteria allows you to select from “Democrat,” “Other” and “Republican.”
Political Party: This data is self-reported or obtained from voter registration data from the following states: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Utah. It covers a wide range of political parties, including:
- Conservative
- Democrat
- Green
- Independent
- Liberal
- Libertarian
- Non-declared
- Other
- Reform
- Republican
- Unknown
Congressional District: Start by selecting a State and a list of Congressional Districts will show up in the Available column. Click on each District to move to the Selected column.
Registered Voter: Choose from either “Yes” or “No.” This select allows you to target households where a registered voter is present or not.